Kansas Senators Split on Emergency Declaration Vote

The two senators from Kansas split in their votes on on a resolution of disapproval of President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency along the border. The resolution passed 59-41. A dozen Republicans joined Democrats in passing the Senate resolution, which previously passed in the House.

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran was among the small group of Republicans who voted in favor of the resolution, while Pat Roberts was among the larger group of Republicans who sided with the president and voted against it.

Both Senators explained their votes.

Jerry Moran:

“President Trump is correct, there is a need for better border security,” wrote Moran.  “…I have introduced legislation and voted many times for greater funding for border security, including President Trump’s border wall.”

“Upon my election to public office, I take one oath – to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” continued Moran. “I believe the use of emergency powers in this circumstance violates the Constitution. Allowing the use of such power establishes a precedent for future presidents to further act against laws and appropriations approved by Congress. This continues our country down the path of all powerful executive – something those who wrote the Constitution were fearful of.”

Pat Roberts

“We must have comprehensive immigration reform, which starts with a secure border,” Roberts said. “We also need further resources at the southern border to deal with the humanitarian crisis hurting the thousands of migrants who attempt to enter our country.”

“I agree with the president’s assessment that we have reached a crisis point at the border, and this is nothing new. For many years, control of our southern border has been a fundamental failure of our first obligation to protect the national security of the United States.”

The measure now goes to Trump’s desk. He has promised to veto the measure and it’s unlikely that enough votes exist for a veto override. Trump aims to divert Defense Department funds to help build a massive border wall.