Depression Project at Wichita State

Depression is one the most common and debilitating of all mental health conditions. Nearly 20 percent of us will experience depression at some point during our lifetime, and within this year it is projected by the World Health Organization to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide.

Comparisons with other psychological approaches, as well as medication, has identified behavioral activation as one of the more effective means of coping with depression. As its name suggests, behavioral activation stresses the importance of systematically re-engaging in a range of activities that are often abandoned in the face of depression.

A project is currently underway in the Department of Psychology at Wichita State University to investigate different variations of behavioral activation in helping individuals better manage and cope with depression. This program, conducted by Yvonne Chaw, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, under the supervision of Robert Zettle, director of Clinical Training, seeks volunteer participants who are currently experiencing at least a moderate level of depression.

Those interested in participating in the project will first be asked to complete a brief, online screening survey that assesses their level of depression and obtains some relevant background information. Those who qualify will be contacted with additional information and details about further participating in the treatment phase of this project which consists of eight weekly, individual sessions following some further assessment.

Our hope is that participants will learn some new strategies for more effectively coping with depression and that the overall findings from this project may also help improve psychological services offered to others who also struggle with it.

Interested individuals 18 or older experiencing a least a moderate level of depression can access the brief screening survey by going to: