Wichita schools plan hopes to improve student behavior

Leaders of the Wichita school district say they have a plan to reduce the number of discipline problems in the district, particularly in elementary schools.

The Wichita Eagle reports data shows suspensions, detentions and trips to the principal’s office have increased dramatically in the last four years. In elementary schools, discipline incidents have increased more than 53 percent during that time.

District leaders unveiled a plan this week that will clarify expectations, monitor data more carefully and help teachers better understand students’ diverse backgrounds.

Superintendent Alicia Thompson says the district also plans to increase teacher recruitment and retention, with an emphasis on placing more veteran teachers in high-poverty schools.

Michele Ingenthron, assistant superintendent of elementary schools, says principals will be trained on setting behavior expectations and dealing with misbehavior.

Information from: The Wichita (Kan.) Eagle, http://www.kansas.com.