What To Tell Someone Who Texts Through Dinner?

What is the proper way to tell someone that you don’t like them texting all through dinner when you’re out together?

Take your pick of things you can say and do in this situation.

Use the “Direct” approach:
• That’s rude ! Who taught you manners?
• Are you going to text all through dinner?
• I don’t like it when people text through dinner.
• Could you please hold your texting until after dinner?
• I guess I don’t count here since you’re ignoring me?
• Does that text you’re sending matter more to you than spending time with me?
• Do you know that I refuse to go on a second date with someone who texts while we’re out?

Or, you can use the “Passive” approach:
• Ignore their texting
• Don’t bother confronting it if it really doesn’t bother you

Or, you can use the “Indirect, Passive Aggressive” approach:
• Do more texting than they are
• Make sure they have to wait for you to finish texting to get your attention

I don’t recommend the Passive Aggressive approach, but do what makes sense to you. In some groups, such as teenagers, texting when out together is the norm and to be expected. Only you can decide how to handle this situation! Text me when you figure it out!

Embrace your Personal Power with Life Coaching~
• What approach makes sense to you?
• Are you willing to gracefully accept the consequences of which ever approach you take?
• What is the standard for the group you hang out with? Texting or no texting?
• What are your personal standards for when you’re out alone with someone?

Listen to “The Joan Jerkovich Show” this weekend where two young men question their sexuality. Are they gay or straight? Ray, a devout Christian, discusses difficult decisions he’s had to make to honor his beliefs. 

Joan Jerkovich, BCC Board Certified Life Coach

Joan Jerkovich, BCC
Board Certified Life Coach

The Joan Jerkovich Show
News Radio 1150 KSAL
Saturdays @ 6am & Sundays @ 9pm CST
Podcast posts to KSAL.com Mondays

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