Volunteers Sought For “Reality U”

A group of students at both Salina Central and Salina South High Schools will receive some real-life lessons via a project the Salina Area United Way is bringing back.

Reality U is an interactive financial literacy simulator made for students, designed to demonstrate how they will have to make financial decisions later in life to live within their means.

According to the United Way, before the simulator, the students complete the Real U Online to decide what they want their life to look like at 26 years old. When they arrive at Reality U, they get a paycheck and life scenarios based on their answers so that they can practice paying their bills for the month.

Volunteers are being sought to help with the event, which will be held at Salina South High School on Tuesday, March 5th, and at Salina Central High School on Tuesday, March 26th.

Volunteers are needed to run booths such as housing, phone, transportation, and more.

Each session will wrap up with a debrief that empowers students to connect their financial future with what they do in school now.