VIDEO: Digital Tools Help Farmers Profit

Kansas State University is incorporating technology to help farmers grow better crops.

For instance, one computer-based program compiles essential data from a field to help farmers make a decision on the best time to harvest a crop.

“In many situations, allocating time resources on when to harvest is one of the critical aspects to make sure that farmers can sell more volume and make more profit,” K-State agronomist Ignacio Ciampitti  said. “This tool is going to help farmers to make those decisions on when to harvest.”

Other tools, he says, will allow farmers to access real-time data, or “close-to-harvest time.” The university’s work includes programs that provides almost immediate access to information on the nitrogen profile in a field, as well as historical data on numerous crops grown in a region.

Providing information that is near real-time, “helps to improve farmer’s yields, as well as secure future markets,” Ciampitti said, “which can lead to more profits.”