Veto Override Attempt Fails

An attempt to override Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of legislation which would have created a 5.25% state income tax in Kansas failed in the Kansas House of Representatives Tuesday.

Prior to the veto, the so called “flat tax” legislation had passed in the House with 81 votes, three short of  a veto proof 2/3 majority. To override the veto, 84 votes would be needed.

Kansas House Speaker Dan Hawkins brought the issue to a vote on the House floor Tuesday. Again, 81 votes were received in favor, three short of the 84 needed. One democrat voted to override, while four republicans voted against the override.

When she issued the veto, the Governor said she does support tax cuts, but not this particular proposal. In part, she said ““I support responsible tax cuts, but I refuse to sign into law a reckless flat tax.”

The Governor vetoed a similar flat tax plan in 2023  which would have created a 5.15% flat tax.