Storm Spotting Seminar Held At KWU

Meteorologists from the National Weather Service office in Wichita presented a seminar at the KWU Campus Tuesday evening that was intended to help prepare storm spotters and weather enthusiasts of the Salina community for the upcoming storm season.

The presentation was part of a state wide lecture tour spanning across most counties intended to educate the public and prepare them for the coming storm seasons. With up to 26 presentations planned for the next 2 months, Meteorologists Robb Lawson and Kevin Darmofal tackle weather misinformation and questions regarding severe weather and storm identification. 

“We’re just trying to get people into the severe weather mode” Says Lawson; “As far as safety, how to contact us, how to identify a storm before it strikes; we do this every year before the weather really ramps up.”

The lecture was an in-depth weather presentation about the different types of storms, the individual storm features that help identify the storm’s potential severity and how to report hazardous weather using the proper terminology.

KSAL Storm Chaser Henry Diehl, who has been reporting to the National Weather Service since 1976, says “it’s been really quiet on the storm front lately and I’m concerned people aren’t thinking about severe weather, we have had a lucky last few years, especially in Saline County but I fear that we may get too comfortable not keeping an eye on potential dangers in coming forecasts – keeping the communities educated and understanding what to look for is very valuable, as well as teaching the community how to stay safe in case of a weather emergency is most important.”

With potentially damaging storms on the horizon, Lawson and Darmofal plan to expand their storm training to Kansas communities in the coming months and hope to help prepare tornado alley for any potential risks this storm season.

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For more information, go to: www.