“Souper Bowl” Collects Over 10,000 Cans of Soup

An effort in Salina to collect 57,000 cans of soup in conjunction with Super Bowl 57 is off to a strong start.

Organizers of the “Souper Bowl of Hope” say  10,318 cans of soup were collected during the first weekend.  this past weekend at the Dillon’s stores in Salina. That number reflects actual cans of soup and money collected. This does not include what local churches and businesses are collecting.

Volunteers were at Salina Dillons grocery stores this past Saturday and Sunday. The will be collecting at the Salina Dillons stores again this Saturday and Sunday. The last day for collecting is Saturday, February 11th.

All the soup that is collected stays in Salina. It will be distributed to:

  • Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank
  • Salina Salvation Army,
  • Salina Rescue Mission
  • Ashby House
  • Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK)

The collection effort comes at a critical time. The annual “Project Salina” food drive in May helps stock shelves for the summer months. But by late winter, those shelves start to get bare.

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Volunteers are still needed:
If you can help at the Planet Dillons, call Jerry at 785.643.6549 or JJ at 785.258.4087.

If you can help at the Cloud St Dillons (east doors), call Paul @ 785.643.9895 after 5:30 p.m.

If you can help at the Cloud St Dillons (west doors), call Janie at 785.643.7143.

If you can help at the West Crawford Dillons (both east & west doors) call Janie at 785.643.7143.