Shop Small on Small Business Saturday

Shoppers can make a big difference in their local communities by supporting Small Business Saturday.

Small Business Saturday is always celebrated on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year it’s on November 25th.

Unlike Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which focus on larger retailers and e-commerce stores, Small Business Saturday encourages consumers to shop at predominantly small and local retailers and to use small, local service such as restaurants and other independent local businesses.

According to Salina Downtown, the dollars that are spent on Shop Small Saturday makes a difference beyond the retailers doors. Small businesses create local jobs and pay local taxes which keeps money circulating within our community.

58.1 million consumers plan to shop small shop small Saturday. 96% of consumers shop small because of the personalized experience, unique products, and service. Small business employs 61.7 million people in the US, which makes up approximately half of the US work force.

Leslie Bishop, Executive Director of Salina Downtown wants to encourage the city of Salina to Shop Small on Saturday. “the holiday season is all about giving and the best gift you can give is to shop small and support our local businesses in downtown Salina” Bishop said