Senators Announce Lower Energy Costs

Kansas residents will see lower energy costs.

Senators Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall announced that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is adjusting its electricity transmission costs. The senators called the decision a victory for Kansans who will save money by paying less to subsidize the transportation of energy that other consumers use.

“FERC’s ruling is a major win for Kansan consumers. Our state is proud to be a leader in energy production, but that doesn’t mean Kansas consumers should be forced to foot most of the bill so consumers in other states can enjoy our services at a discount. Not only was this an unnecessary financial burden for Kansans, but FERC was also acting in violation of its own requirement that transmission costs must be based in relation to the benefits received by consumers,” Senator Marshall said. “I’m glad FERC corrected this misaligned policy and Kansas ratepayers will now save $9.9 million a year.”

“Kansas is home to an abundance of energy production, and FERC’s ruling to revise transmission costs will benefit families and businesses across the state,” Senator Moran said. “This new adjustment removes unnecessary burdens from Kansans to make life more affordable, and I am grateful FERC has corrected its policies to make sure costs are allocated in a manner that is more commensurate with the benefits received.”

Senators Marshall and Moran first called on FERC in September 2023 to issue an order that would stop Kansans from paying for 67% of wind energy transmission costs when they only need to use about 30% of wind-generated generated by wind. When the concerns of Kansans expressed in the September 2023 letter went unaddressed by FERC, the Senators followed up with the agency in April 2024.