Senator Marshall on KSAL

U. S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined in on the KSAL Morning News Wednesday to weigh in a number of issues that are boiling in Washington, D.C. Marshall commented briefly about the moves in the House yesterday and the ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, saying Republicans will recover and move on.

Over the weekend, Congress built a 45-day bridge to keep the government from a shutdown as they work for a longer lasting solution. The current stopgap measure will fund agencies until mid-November.

“I made it very clear from the very beginning, that I would vote for no funding for Ukraine, not a single dollar for Ukraine, unless we secured the border first,” Marshall said.

Senator Marshall pointed to problems with our own southern border and the curse of fentanyl, human trafficking and illegal crossings that continue to plague border states and the nation.

Listen to the full interview here: