Saturday marked the SculptureTour unwrap festivities in downtown Salina, with twenty-two sculptures unveiled.
As part of the celebration Cassi Rebman, Belle Plaine, MN, served as the 2023 juror. After viewing the 22 pieces of the exhibit, Cassi presented these three Awards of Merit from the City Lights Stage downtown. The awards include:
- Award of Merit – $750 to Jodie Bliss, CO for her piece “Phoenix”
- Award of Merit – $1,500 to Justin Deister, CO for his piece “Resilience”
- Best of Show – $2,500 to Brady Hatter, KS for his piece “Mr. Hatters’s Pursuits in Becoming Human: 004 Golden Sphere”
Everyone is encouraged to visit downtown and enjoy SculptureTour Salina – a family-friendly and free arts experience.
You can participate in the People’s Choice Award program by picking up a brochure/ballot from a downtown merchant, the Salina Downtown office – 134 S Santa Fe, Suite 120, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce/Visit Salina at 120 W. Ash, or from one of the silver ballot boxes placed at one side of each mid-block pedestrian crossing on Santa Fe Avenue.
Once you have voted for your favorite, place your ballot back in one of the silver ballot boxes. Everyonecan vote, resident or visitor, any age.
The sculpture receiving the most votes by December 31, 2023, will be purchased by the City of Salina to become part of the City’s public art collection, remaining on public display.
Artists, if you are interested in submitting work to be considered for the 2024 exhibit, go to and click on the tab For Artists, or contact Sylvia Rice at Visit Salina to be placed on the artist master list.
Teachers, they have ideas about SculptureTour Salina curriculum, and would love to work with you.
Businesses, SculptureTour Salina can be a fun client or employee event.
Outside of the People’s Choice Award, this project is funded through private/corporate dollars.
If you would like to be part of that integral support team, consider becoming a Charter Sponsor, Site Sponsor, or a Friend of SculptureTour Salina. Contact Sylvia Rice for more information at [email protected]