Saline County Quarantine Policy Still Unchanged

The quarantine policy for Saline County still remains unchanged.

According to the Saline County Health Department, new guidelines recently released by the CDC are still under review locally. Saline County Health officials are seeking additional clarification and answers from the state on certain aspects of the new guidelines. Thus far no changes have been made in Saline County. Each case is unique and is reviewed by a case investigator who will advise you on your quarantine and isolation requirements. As it stands today:

Cases need to isolate at home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms or test date if asymptomatic. Contacts to a positive case quarantine 10 days from the last date of contact, but continue to monitor symptoms for 14 days after exposure. Contacts within a household may have to quarantine 10 days past when the positive case in the home concludes isolation. This will be discussed when a COVID investigator calls them.

A child who is exposed at school is considered a contact to a case. The contact to a positive case is the only one who needs to quarantine. If that child would become infected with COVID then there would be other home exposure. As a contact, no one else needs to quarantine in the household.

If a contact has been fully vaccinated (2 weeks after the second vaccine) or someone had a confirmed positive COVID test in the last 6 months; recommended they wear masks and monitor symptoms for 14 days after exposure.