Salina South Fall Play This Week

Salina South’s Theatre Department this week will present its fall play. Students have been hard at work preparing the comedy “The Curious Savage” by John Patrick.

According to, “The Curious Savage” is the story of an elderly widow named Mrs. Savage, whose husband has left her $10 million dollars. She intends to give the entire fortune away to people who wish to pursue their “foolish dreams,” but her stepchildren strongly object. To prevent her from doing away with their family’s wealth and ruining their legacy, they have her committed to a sanatorium called The Cloisters, and it is among the gentle residents there that she finds her true family. “The Curious Savage” is a warm comedy that compares the kindness and loyalty of psychiatric patients with the greed and hostility of so-called “normal people.”

Cast members include Mia White, Evan Dickson, Isabelle Greenemeyer, Kirsten Lamia, Ryan Franks, Aubrey Powell, Alexander Figueroa, Emily Streeter, Kara Davis, Soren Mannebach, and Elias Torres.

Stage Managers are Jackie Fischer, Destiny Hamilton, and Malina Szyndlar.

The production is directed by Kate Lindsay with set design by Roger Coberly and costume design by Kay Engelland and Pam Debold.

Shows are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and 7pm. Ticket prices are $8.00 for adults, $6.00 for Senior Citizens/Military, and $4.00 for students. Seating is general admission.

Tickets are available at the door 30 minutes prior to performances and will soon also be available online in advance at (added fees may apply online). Parking is accessible from both Magnolia Road and Edward Street.