Salina Organization Receives Funding

A Salina organization is among a group receiving funding from the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services Behavioral Health Services Commission.

According to the agency, the awardees will receive more than $534,000 in FY22 Kansas Prevention Collaborative-Community Initiative (KPCCI) grants. The goal of KPCCI is to reduce and prevent substance abuse in identified communities and enrich prevention efforts across the state through the implementation and sustainability of effective, culturally competent prevention strategies.

Grantees will create a comprehensive, community-based strategic plan that will result in community driven strategies to reduce underage drinking, youth marijuana use, shared risk and protective factors and produce sustainable systems change. Communities will utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) model designed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to assess their local needs, build capacity and create a plan.

These funds are intended for the focus of primary prevention efforts directed at individuals not identified to be in need of treatment services.

  • Twelve Kansas coalitions will receive grant funding:
  • THRIVE, Allen County
  • Clay Counts, Clay County
  • Live Well, Crawford County
  • Franklin County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, Franklin County
  • Grant County Community Foundation, Grant County
  • Boys & Girls Club – Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Jackson County
  • Youth Achievement Center, Leavenworth County
  • FACT, Inc., Marion County
  • PARS, Shawnee County
  • KCK Life Recovery Coalition, Wyandotte County
  • Derby Health Collaborative, Sedgwick County – New Planning Grantee
  • CKF Addiction Treatment Inc., Saline County – New Planning Grantee

“KDADS is excited to welcome this new cohort of grantees to the KPCCI program,” Commissioner Andrew Brown, KDAD Behavioral Health Commission, said. “SUD prevention is important to having a thriving community and these coalitions will be able to plan and implement new strategies for youth and young adults to prevent substance use.”

Utilizing funding and technical assistance, community coalitions will analyze local data that is contributing to substance abuse within their identified geographic area. Resources and technical assistance will be provided to review local assessment profile, logic model, and action plan to address these issues using the five-step SPF process (i.e., assessment, capacity building, planning, implementation, and evaluation). This will also include reviewing plans for sustainability, cultural competence, and evaluation.

The coalitions awarded grants will be supported in their efforts by KDADS and its partners in the Kansas Prevention Collaborative (KPC).

The Kansas Prevention Collaborative was created in 2015 to integrate and innovate behavioral health prevention efforts. A partnership of several different state, educational and provider agencies, the KPC’s goal is to expand prevention efforts to be more inclusive of mental health promotion, suicide prevention and problem gambling education and awareness, as well as to increase the availability of resources to adequately fund local-level prevention and promotion strategic plans. For more information: