Reversal: Electric Storage Facility Denied

Because a local governing body’s bylaws supersede state stature, a battery-based electric storage and distribution facility proposed in Salina County has been officially denied.

According to Saline County, the Saline County Planning and Zoning Commission met September 26 to discuss the proposed Mountain Peak Energy Storage facility . The proposed site is located on approximately 40 acres at the southwest corner of McReynolds Road and Simpson Road.

A previous release regarding this issue deemed the application approved; however, after consulting with legal counsel, it was determined that the Planning and Zoning Commission bylaws supersede state statutes. Therefore, the application is denied.

According to the bylaws, four votes are needed to approve a motion in a meeting where six of the nine members of the Commission are present.

The commission voted on approving the facility with three in favor, two against, and one abstention – the Commission deemed the motion failed due to the abstention; unfortunately, this was in error. The motion to approve the application was denied due to the lack of a fourth in favor of approval.

A vote to deny the application followed with four in favor, one against, and one abstention – the application was deemed denied. However, this final vote was not necessary because the previous vote also deemed the application denied.

The recent series of voting decisions have been complex and Saline County would like to extend its deepest gratitude to the public for their patience and understanding as we navigate through the complexities surrounding the recent voting process. We are grateful to our Planning and Zoning Commission, a dedicated group of citizen volunteers who work diligently to maintain and enhance the quality of life in our community, ensuring it continues to be a thriving place to live and work. We appreciate the community’s understanding as we rectify this situation and continue our collaborative efforts to serve the best interests of Saline County.

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The Planning Commission, with the Saline County staff, acknowledges the public’s concerns regarding the complexity of the recent series of motions. We are committed to revisiting and enhancing our training protocols to ensure clarity and avoid such confusion in the future. As always, our aim is to maintain transparency and uphold the highest standards of public service.