Radio Stations Ready for Toy Drive

Rocking M Media Salina Radio Stations will be out in the community collecting toys this week for the foster kids of Saint Francis Community Services. The radio stations are helping in the “Christmas for Kids” campaign, an annual effort to put Christmas gifts under the trees of the thousands of foster children.

Three radio stations, Newsradio 1150 KSAL, y 93.7, and FM 104.9 will be broadcasting live, and collecting toys at the Salina Target Store on Thursday, and on Saturday.

“Christmas for Kids” is one of Saint Francis’ most popular programs, and it  continues to grow each year in the number of community partners who join, in the number of donations they receive, and in the number of children the program serves.

“Christmas for Kids” connects groups and individuals with children who are often times without family traditions over the holidays. The goals is to create a memory that’s a positive memory.

According to St. Francis, some find forever families through adoption and again developing new traditions. The gift is something that’s a special memory and it’s coming from some people who care about you.”

Along with the two day  toy drive effort at Target, the radio stations are also each day on the air  offering the opportunity to adopt a specific child, and to get gifts specifically for that child. Those gifts are being collected at the radio station studios at 131 N. Santa Fe in Downtown Salina.


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