Potentially Damaging Debris Left at Lake

Rangers at Kanopolis Reservoris didn’t save any lives this week that they know of, but they likely did save the lives of  numerous tires.

According to Kanopolis Reservoir-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers social media, an individual or group decided to burn a large amount of pallets in the middle of a Kanopolis wildlife area parking lot recently. They left behind 11.9 pounds of charred nails, trash, and 11 unburned pallets.

Officials issues a friendly reminder that campfires must be contained in a campground fire ring, and trash must be deposited in the appropriate trash receptacles.

Staff at Kanopolis has great pride in the public lands and would prefer to spend time managing and improving it rather than cleaning up behind folks who don’t share that same level of public land pride.



(photos via Kanopolis Reservoir-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers social media)