Police Chief Who Conducted Newsroom Raid Was Under Investigation

New information has come to light in connection with the police raid of a rural Kansas newspaper.

Police entered the office of the Marion County Record as well as the home of the paper’s owner on Friday, seizing computers, cell phones and reporting materials.

At first, it was reported the search warrant was connected to a recent article that was critical of a local restaurant owner. It now seems Marion police chief Gideon Cody may have had a personal interest in silencing the paper as reporters were looking into claims Cody left the Kansas City police force to avoid demotion over charges of sexual misconduct.

The chief has said his department’s actions will be vindicated “when the rest of the story is available.”

It was revealed over the weekend that the paper’s co-owner, 98-year-old mother Joan Meyer, died shortly after the raid. Her son said she was “stressed beyond her limits and overwhelmed by hours of shock and grief.”

The Meyer family has run the Marion County Record for 25 years.