My Prom Dress

I remember standing in front of the mirror with the store attendant and my mom. The red gown was glittered with sparkles. My mom, smiling ear to ear, said with confidence, “that’s the one”. As any 18-year-old wearing a dress far prettier than I was, I gave it a twirl. For the first time, I felt beautiful. I never knew how special that moment was until today.
Kirklin was a 15-year-old who asked a young lady to homecoming. As he was making plans for his date, Kirklin was diagnosed with cancer. By the time the cancer had been spotted, 19 tumors had developed. The aggressive cancer took him incredibly quickly.
I’m thinking of being the girl, being told that my boyfriend wasn’t coming to dinner; being told that our date planned was going to have to wait, because family and friends were planning his funeral. I’m thinking of the mother who will never get the chance to teach her son how to tie his tie. I’m thinking of being stranded with that red boutonniere that I’ll never pin on my date.
I can’t stand the idea of a teenager not having that moment of pure love for life: the moment in life where everything seems to be perfect. So, I pledged. I pledged for dresses and makeup and tuxedos and flowers and limo rides and slow dances. What have you taken for granted? Was it playing sports? Being in band? Pledge for that. 1-800-330-9727 or visit us at