An intoxicated man spits at the doctor who was trying to treat him for scrapes on his arm at Salina Regional Health Center Tuesday night.
Police Captain Paul Forrester tells KSAL News that 61-year-old Donald Smith was taken into custody around 10pm after he scuffled with a police officer at the Salina Rescue Mission.
Police say officers responded to the facility located at 1716 Summer Road to remove him from the parking lot. Smith allegedly would not exit his van and an officer reached in to encourage him to move and was slapped on the hand. A tussle ensued and Smith’s arms were scraped while he was being handcuffed.
Following his visit to the hospital where he allegedly spit at a doctor, Smith was booked into the Saline County Jail on charges that could include trespassing, interfering with law enforcement, simple battery and battery of a law enforcement officer.