Make A Difference Grants Open

Salina Area United Way is now accepting grant applications for the 2022 Make A Difference Grants.

According to the agency, there will be $100,000 available in grant funding for this upcoming year.

The purpose of Make A Difference Grants is to be responsive to community needs and providing funding for programs that make a difference in our local communities. The Salina Area United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every surrounding community.

All 501(c)(3) Charitable, Government/Public, Educational Institution or Church Organizations in the Salina Area United Way county service areas – Salina, Ottawa, Cloud, Republic, Jewell, Mitchell Lincoln, Ellsworth, Russell, Osborne – that provide programs with measurable impact are eligible to apply for grant funding.

“Thanks to the generosity of local companies, foundations, and donors, Salina Area United Way is able to continue our important efforts to fund programs that truly make a crucial impact on families and individuals in our communities,” says MacKenzie Morris, Director of Marketing and

Grants at Salina Area United Way. Funds raised by the Salina Area United Way are awarded through competitive grants.

Make A Difference Grants applications open Friday, September 16, 2022. You can access the application through the United Way website at

All Make A Difference grant applications must be submitted by October 28, 2022, at noon to [email protected].

The maximum grant awarded to applications will not exceed $10,000. Partial funding may also be awarded.