Law Enforcement Mobilization Underway

As labor day weekend approaches extra law enforcement is on patrol keeping roads and highways across Kansas safe. Local county and city law enforcement have mobilized along with the Kansas Highway Patrol in an effort to crack down on drunk drivers.

According to the Saline County Sheriff’s Office, drivers are advised that during the period of August 20th, through Labor Day, September 6th, they will join other local and state law enforcement agencies across the state in a crackdown aimed at removing drunk and other impaired drivers from the roadways during  “You Drink. You Drive. You Lose.”

It is illegal everywhere to drive while impaired, yet, in 2019, over 10,000 people in the U.S. were killed in drunk driving crashes. Impaired driving fatalities every day are the direct result of decisions people make. Driving after consuming ANY potentially impairing substance is a decision YOU make.

You know that it is wrong and dangerous. You tell yourself you won’t do it again, but you do. It’s time to stop.

Start a new habit, the habit of NOT driving to situations where you will be tempted to drink or partake in other impairing substances. Ask to ride with a non-drinking friend, designate a driver, or use one of the many other options available. Start today.

According to Sheriff Roger Soldan, the You Drink. You Drive. You Lose enforcement campaign is intended to remind drivers:
“Don’t consume impairing substances and get behind the wheel. Impaired driving is a major cause of crashes and a danger not just to you and those riding with you, but to every single person on the road. Make it a habit to have a sober driver lined up before you drink alcohol away from home.

We also want to remind everyone to always have your seatbelts on, it’s your best defense in case of a crash.

You can always count on this department to vigorously enforce impaired driving and other traffic laws, not just during this enforcement campaign but all through the year.”