KFB Legal Foundation Offering Farm Ownership Webinars

Kansas Farm Bureau’s Legal Foundation is offering two webinars on farm ownership transitions in February. The first, offered on Feb. 10 at 2 p.m. central, will feature a discussion on estate preservation strategies and business and tax succession strategies.

As a supplement to the information provided in the Feb. 10 webinar, a second webinar on Feb. 13 at noon, will be an insightful and fun-filled presentation that highlights the mistakes families make that break up their business. Jolene Brown will discuss in-laws and out-laws, money expectations, daily communications and important meetings. From conversations to contracts, from assumptions to clarification, from complaints to celebrations, we will open eyes and save fighting on the way to the funeral home.

Participants must be Farm Bureau members in Kansas. You will be required to login with your membership account for access to registration. If you aren’t a member and would like to become one, please visit www.kfb.org/join.