Kansas Tourism: Reclaim Your Vacation

To commemorate Kansas Day, Kansas Tourism has released a new video inviting audiences to reclaim their vacation in Kansas.

According to the Kansas Tourism, the video kicks off its 2024 marketing campaign that focuses on the true meaning of a vacation and how Kansas is the perfect vacation destination.

To watch the video, click here. Kansans and non-Kansans alike are encouraged to join the movement by sharing the video on social media and making their plans to vacation in Kansas at the Tourism website here.

According to the organization, the concept of a vacation was first popularized in the 1860s and was intended to encourage people to “vacate their homes” to experience the wilderness and reconnect through rest and relaxation, essential to living a healthy life. But nowadays, vacations are often stress-inducing, jam-packed and expensive.

Kansas Tourism provides valuable free resources to help plan a Kansas trip, including a free travel guide available to be mailed or immediately downloaded. The TravelKS.com website features an entire Plan Your Trip section.

Kansas Day, January 29, provides the perfect opportunity for Kansans to come together and honor the unique history that has shaped the Sunflower State and to kick-off the 2024 tourism marketing campaign. On this day in 1861, Kansas officially entered the Union as the 34th state, marking a pivotal moment in the nation’s history. This celebration provides the opportunity to acknowledge contributions of Kansans throughout the years, from the pioneers who settled the prairies to the modern-day innovators driving the state’s progress.