Kansas 4-H Charges Into New Year

The leader of the Kansas 4-H Youth Development program praised the efforts of the volunteers, professionals, youth and families across the state in getting some parts of the organization back to near-normal operations in 2021.

But Wade Weber said the coming year promises to be even better as the state’s largest youth organization eyes more in-person activities.

“As I look back on 2021, I think of the many ways in which young people, volunteers and professionals re-purposed to do their best,” he said. “At the end of the day, what we saw was that these people showed the resiliency that really has become a hallmark of Kansas 4-H – and will continue to be as we move forward.”

Weber pointed to a couple events – the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, and the Kansas Youth Leadership Forum at Rock Springs Ranch – as examples of how 4-H managed to safely hold in-person events and provide youth opportunities for growth.

“These were opportunities to engage young people and help them be in that creative process of youth-adult partnerships,” Weber said.

He added that the new year already shows promise for continuing in-person activities. The 4-H Horse Panorama is scheduled for Jan. 28-30 in Hutchinson, and the 4-H dog project will be holding judges training and certification training Jan. 28-30 in Wichita.

In February, Weber said, 4-H will host Citizenship in Action at the Kansas State Capitol during the weekend of President’s Day (Feb. 20-21), and Kansas has been approved to send a delegation to Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington, D.C. during the first full week of June (the deadline to register is Jan. 15).

Youth and volunteers interested in those or other events are encouraged to visit the Kansas 4-H website, or visit their local extension office for information.

4-H scholarship applications now available

Weber also said that Kansas 4-H is now accepting applications for numerous scholarships available to youth. Many of the scholarships are available from donors, he said, including the prestigious Vanier Scholarship offered through the Kansas 4-H Foundation.

The application form is available online. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2022.