Ike’s Calculated Risk

A presentation this week will explore daring aerial reconnaissance missions which gathered information on Russia and China during Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency.

According to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, the public is invited to join the May Lunch & Learn program this Thursday at noon.

Guest speaker David Haight, will explore the significant aerial intelligence events that unfolded during Eisenhower’s presidency. The focus will be on the daring flights conducted along the periphery of the USSR and China. We will delve into the strategic maneuvers involving direct overflights by USAF and RAF bombers equipped with cameras, use of balloons, U-2 program and the satellite reconnaissance through CORONA. It will be a journey through these pivotal moments in history that shaped the landscape of intelligence gathering during this era.

After receiving his M.A. from Wichita State University, Haight dedicated over 37 years to his role as an archivist at the Eisenhower Presidential Library. He was primarily involved in the declassification program. Haight’s published article in the Winter 2009 issue of PROLOGUE, titled “Ike and his Spies in the Sky,” showcases his expertise in intelligence and foreign relations records.

The hybrid program will be held in the Library building indoor courtyard and online via YouTube Livestream. Guests are encouraged to arrive by 11:45 a.m. A light box-lunch will be provided on a first come, first served basis.