Hospital Employees Help Cancer Group

Hospital employees in Abilene raised over $1,400 to help an organization which fights childhood cancer.

According to Memorial Health System, employees wore blue jeans at work for another “Jeans Day” fundraiser on Fridays throughout the month of September. Employees make a donation, of at least $5, and they are allowed to wear blue jeans at work.

For September, a total donation of $1,450 was presented to Tori Murphy, organizer of Derrik’s Ride.

To date, this is the largest donation made for Jeans Day by the employees of MHS, which surpassed the previous record, which was to Derrik’s Ride in 2022.

Derrik’s Ride is an annual event to help in the fight against childhood cancer, which features a poker run, bike show, dinner, auction, live band, and more. This year’s event was held in Old Abilene Town on September 16th.

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Pictured from left are: Brittany Ogden, EOC committee member; Murphy; and Traci Jurgensen, EOC committee member.