Hospital Earns Stroke Center Recertification

Salina Regional Health Center has received recertification as a Primary Stroke Center from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC).

According to the hospital, the certification comes as validation of efforts to enhance stroke care for the region following a thorough verification process. Salina Regional first became certified as a Primary Stroke Center in 2017 after developing a dedicated stroke response team that stands ready 24/7 to respond to cases whenever a stroke is suspected.

Emergency responders can activate the team and have it ready to receive patients the moment they arrive at the hospital. Members of the team include emergency room physicians, nurses, radiology staff, pharmacists and lab personnel who all have specialized training to provide stroke care.

A significant portion of  Primary Stroke Center certification revolves on creating a culture of performance improvement. All stroke response efforts are closely tracked, analyzed and reviewed to verify its processes meet and exceed national performance standards.

“This achievement takes a buy-in from people all throughout our health care delivery system,” said Christy Dixson, Stroke Program Coordinator at Salina Regional. “Our efforts are aimed at providing stroke patients with the latest advancements in care that have been clinically proven to improve patient outcomes.”

Public recognition of symptoms for stroke is also critical to improved outcomes. The acronym FAST is often used to help identify symptoms and enhance response for stroke victims. Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call emergency services are important symptoms to recognize and action to take for stroke.