Governor Kelly Vetos ‘Born Alive’ Bill

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly used her executive power Friday to veto a pair of controversial bills on her desk.

Both House Bill 2304, or ‘Born Alive’ bill and House Bill 2313, ‘School Firearms Safety Training’ bill were both nullified by Kelly.

Governor Kelly said the ‘Born Alive’ bill, which would provide legal protections for infants that survive an attempted abortion is unnecessary in Kansas.

This bill is misleading and unnecessary. Federal law already protects newborns, and the procedure being described in this bill does not exist in Kansas in the era of modern medicine. 

“The intent of this bill is to interfere in medical decisions that should remain between doctors and their patients.  

“Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Bill 2313.”  

The Governor also rejected a plan to add firearm safety education programs to grades kindergarten through 12th grade. The bill called for a coupling of National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle program for K-8th grade alongside hunter safety courses from the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks for grades six and up.

“Kansas law makes it clear that it is the role of local school boards and the State Board of Education to establish curriculum and educational standards for our students.  

“This bill is yet again an act of legislative overreach, an attempt to override our locally elected leaders and insert partisan politics into our children’s education.  

“Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Bill 2304.” 

Also on April 14, Governor Laura Kelly signed four bipartisan bills that expand educational and workforce opportunities; continue certain exceptions to records requests to protect personal medical information and information technology security; amend the law regarding the selection of presidential electors; and clarify the duties and authority of the Governmental Ethics Commission.