A group of Fort Riley soldiers are preparing to participate in a readiness exercise.
According to the Army, the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, “Dagger Brigade,” will execute an Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise to the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California.
“This is a critical training event for the Dagger Brigade and Fort Riley,” said Brigadier General Niave F. Knell, 1st Infantry Division Deputy Commanding General – Riley. “No-notice training exercises showcase our Army’s ability to rapidly deploy combat-credible forces anywhere they are needed.”
An EDRE is a no-notice, rapid deployment exercise designed to test a unit’s ability to alert, marshal, and deploy forces and equipment to an emergency disaster or for contingency operation. An EDRE tests the deployment readiness of active-component forces – in this case, Dagger Brigade.
“I’m extremely proud of the Dagger Brigade Soldiers and I’m sure that they will handle this mission with the same professionalism that they have always demonstrated,” said Knell. “We greatly appreciate the support of our Big Red One families as we move out to execute this critical training.”
The Dagger Brigade will prepare personnel and equipment for movement by air and surface transportation, conduct training and return to Fort Riley this summer.