Fort Riley Soldiers Deploying to Europe

A group of Fort Riley soldiers are deploying to Europe.

According to the Army, the 1st Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade is deploying to Europe in support of European Allies and partners.

The 1ID CAB will deploy to Europe to replace the 3rd Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade, as part of a regular rotation of forces to support the United States’ commitment to NATO Allies and partners.

The Combat Aviation Brigades’ most recent deployment was in early 2021, throughout areas of Eastern Europe, in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

“The 1st Combat Aviation Brigade has some of the Army’s best Soldiers and Aviators. We have trained diligently over the past year in preparation for our deployment,” said Col. Chad Corrigan, the 1ID CAB commander. “The Demon Brigade is more than ready to deploy to support this mission and continue to strengthen our established relationships with our European Allies and partners.”