Does Money Matter?

Does money Matter?  Yes. On average, aggregate measures of per-pupil spending are positively associated with improved or higher student outcomes. The size of this effect is larger in some studies than in others, and, in some cases, additional funding appears to matter more for some students than for others. But, on balance, in direct tests of the relationship between financial resources and student outcomes, money matters. In Kansas, a legal battle between some school Districts and the state over school funding seems to be never ending. Just when you think they have settled it, they are back in the courts. The State legislature is struggling to make ends meet and so are the School Districts. So, what is the answer? Most states have largely stagnant or declining funding levels, so Kansas is not alone. The national report card for Kansas is somewhere in the middle, perhaps a C grade. Education is the answer to many problems that we as a state will face in the future. I believe children hold the answers to those problems and that is why giving them the best education possible is very important to our future as a whole. I’m not sure where the state Legislature finds the funding to do what is necessary and I’m not sure what compromise needs to be achieved between the state and the school districts. However the one thing I ‘am sure of, is that the answer is not in the court room. Our future needs an answer now.