County to Take Possession of New Jail Facility

This is the month. At the end of September the new Saline County Sheriff’s Office and Jail facility will be ready to go.

According to the County, things are still on track for them to take possession by the end of the month. Staff, architects and contractors have been going through “punch list” walk-throughs of the building section-by-section for over a month now, and Turner Construction intends to hand over the keys to the facility on Monday, Sept. 25.

While there’s still a lot to be done to make that happen, and there will be even more to be done to get Sheriff’s staff and inmates into the building once they have possession, completion is “tantalizingly close”.

From site fencing going up, to final touch-up painting occurring in the cell blocks, to the last layer of asphalt being placed on the driveway and sprinkler lines being run for landscaping, lots of folks are on site on a daily basis to bring this project in on time.

The new jail project was approved by voters in November of 2020. A one-half percent sales tax to help pay for the new building was enacted on April 1st, 2021.