Bethany Installs Campus Pastor

A Swede alum is now overseeing the spiritual health of Bethany College. The college in Lindsborg has officially installed a new campus pastor.

According to the school, on February 24th Pastor Melissa Woeppel ’15 was officially installed as the pastor of Bethany College. Pastor Woeppel began her pastoral role in January and is excited to give back to the community that helped her learn so much about the world and herself. She commented, “I want to cultivate relationships of care and trust that build community.”

The installation took place in the Bud Pearson Chapel and celebrated the relationship between our new rostered leader and our community of faith. This festive event welcomed a new chapter for a ministry setting and provided an opportunity for connection and support throughout the wider community. The ceremony included a sermon by Dr. Mandy Todd ‘05, Chaplain of Bethany Village. Pastor Woeppel was pleased to have Dr. Todd share her perspective, “as a fellow alum and woman in ministry, Dr. Todd’s presence and participation in the service is a sign of community support and a promise of shared ministry to come.”

The service included readings from Genesis 1, Acts 2, and Luke 10. “I selected the scripture readings as a reflection of the kind of community to which we are called. Created in goodness and love, we come together to share, to give and to receive, and to take care of one another. This is my vision not just for campus ministry at Bethany College, but for the ways in which we will support and care for one another across the entire campus community,” stated Pastor Woeppel.

David Nelson, D. min., was thrilled to be present for the installation, stating, “Great celebration” of our new full-time campus pastor at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas.” The liturgy was wonderful, especially the “Land Acknowledgement,” “Thanksgiving for Baptism,” and “The Disciples Prayer. The event concluded with a purposeful hymn entitled “All Are Welcome.”