Acts Sought For Festival Jam

Bands who want to be considered to perform in what’s billed as “the biggest showcase in the USA”, in front of a crowd in excess of 12,000 people at the 38th edition of the SM Hanson Festival Jam can send in their requests beginning later this week.

The Festival Jam is the official opening event of the Smoky Hill River Festival, this year on Thursday, June 13th. Music will begin at 5:45.

According to SM Hanson Music, this Friday, March 15th, is an important date. It is the beginning of the band consideration for Festival Jam 2024.

Last year, they received requests from bands located in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

Eventually, the committee selects 16 bands for the SM Hanson Festival Jam lineup. Each band will play for 12 minutes with 3 minutes to change bands.

SM Hanson Music provides the backline equipment (amplifiers, keyboard, and drum set). This allows for the quick 3-minute set change,  getting back to a live stage in just a few minutes.

According to Rick Hanson, they have some bands who do not think 12 minutes on stage is enough – generally three songs. But many bands have not or will not get the opportunity to play on a big stage with 12,000+ people listening to their music. If you ask the bands who have played on the SM Hanson Festival Jam stage – they want to return every year. The look on their faces and the excitement when they come off of the stage makes this clear.

Bands who would like to be considered for the 38th annual SM Hanson Festival Jam can submit a request to
[email protected].

A great show would include a variety of music – bluegrass, gospel, folk/Americana, blues, country and western, early rock-n-roll, funk, modern rock, heavy metal, hip hop, and more.

SM Hanson can only consider the bands/music that submit a request for consideration – so if you want to play, or you know a band who should be considered – contact them at [email protected]