New Downtown Identity Coming Soon

The community is invited to help rebrand downtown Salina.

Salina Downtown, Inc. has launched a major rebranding community contest to reflect downtown’s new and improved streetscape project.

According to the organization. the Salina Downtown Marketing Committee invites all creative and artistic minds to help strengthen the identity of downtown through a logo design and tagline challenge. The marketing committee is focused on creating community and cultural connection by providing tools, encouragement, marketing ideas and resources through fellowship and education for and with our members.

The winning logo and tagline will become Salina Downtown’s new identity for years to come.

The contest will run from Monday, November 11th through Wednesday, December 11th. All submissions must be turned in by 5:00 PM on December 11th.

Tagline and logo creation can be submitted, and will be, awarded separately. You do not have to create both in order to win the challenge. Monetary prizes and recognition will be awarded in both categories.

For more information, visit