$200,000 Grant to Help Food Bank Access

The Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank will benefit from a total of $200,000 in grant funding which will make the facility more accessible to the public.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas has awarded two grants via the Pathways to A Healthy Kansas initiative.

The first grant is for $100,000, and was awarded directly to the food bank. It will allow for increased access to the facility by adding at least twelve additional parking stalls and six bicycle racks.

The second grant for $100,000 was awarded to the City of Salina. It will be utilized for construction of a sidewalk between the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank, the Broadway business corridor, and South Street neighborhood. It will include links to OCCK bus stops. This project will include a total of 1,819 feet of new sidewalk going east on Walnut then south on Chicago St.

This is part of the four year Pathways to A Healthy Kansas grant initiative that Live Well Saline County received in 2020 which is being managed by the Tammy Walker Cancer Center.