Chilly Halloween Fun In Salina

Mother nature played a trick with the weather, dropping light snow in the area, but it didn’t deter little ghost and goblins out seeking treats on Tuesday.

A large crowd got an early start, packing the Salina Downtown area for the annual Boo-Rama event. Downtown businesses set up shop on the sidewalk and handed out treats.

Rocking M Media radio station KSAL broadcasted live from the event, and sister station Y 93.7 handed out candy.

At the same time, Salina Police also hosted a safe trick-or-treat event. “Cops and Costumes” featured giveaways and fun with police officers, and also attracted a large crowd.

Later in the evening a similar safe trick-or-treat event was held at the Salina Central Mall.

One of the more popular places in town to trick-or-treat the old-fashioned way was the Highland Avenue area. Large groups of trick-or-treaters went door-to-door seeking treats.

Several churches hosted safe trick-or-treat events, as did Kansas Wesleyan University.

“Cops and Costumes” featured fun with police officers.


Salina radio personalities Hannah Holt (left) and Chad Allen (right) hand out candy downtown.


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