Drama students at Salina Central High School have been honored.
According to USD 305, Salina Central Theatre Troupe 639 has been recognized as one of the Kansas Thespians Honored Troupes of 2020. This year, due to COVID-19, the requirements for this distinction were altered and troupes that would normally compete for Gold Honor Troupe were recognized as Honored Troupes.
The troupe’s accomplishments, including their presentation of The Greek Tragedy Antigone, which was selected for a mainstage production at the Tri-State Festival, were highlighted in a digital submission of their activities during this unprecedented year in the theatre education.
Two Troupe 639 students, Lillie Myers and Joelle Pfannenstiel, earned a Superior Distinction in solo events called Thespys and have qualified to compete at the International Thespian Festival.

Lillie Myers

Joelle Pfannenstiel