PREP – Winter Week 9 Schedule-Results

High School Winter Season Week 9 schedule/results – January 27 – February 2

Monday, January 27

AVCTL I Girls Basketball

Maize South 46, Hutchinson 38

Salina South 46, Campus 38


HOA Girls Basketball

Inman 59, Wichita Classical 35


HOA Boys Basketball

Wichita Classical 59, Inman 27


Tuesday, January 28

AVCTL I Girls Wrestling

Campus 72, Andover Central 6


AVCTL I Boys Wrestling

Campus 46, Andover Central 35


AVCTL II Girls Wrestling

Emporia 58, Salina Central 18

Campus 72, Andover Central 6


AVCTL II Boys Wrestling

Salina Central 56, Emporia 18

Campus 46, Andover Central 35


AVCTL I Boys Basketball

Derby 68, Hutchinson 54

Maize South 47, Campus 40

Maize 74, Andover Central 57


AVCTL II Boys Basketball

Newton 62, Ark City 34

Maize 74, Andover Central 57


HOA Girls Basketball

Marion 46, Ell-Saline 23

Berean Academy 45, Sedgwick 16

Bennington 64, St. John’s Beloit 40

Smoky Valley 50, Hutch Trinity 36

Remington 57, Chaparral 27


HOA Boys Basketball

Ell-Saline 72, Marion 32

Bennington 79, St. John’s Beloit 70

Moundridge 49, Garden Plain 41

Medicine Lodge 60, Sedgwick 27

Hutch Trinity 52, Smoky Valley 30

Chaparral 59, Remington 52


NCAA Girls Basketball

SE of Saline 54, Republic County 25

Sacred Heart 46, Beloit 40

Lyons at Minneapolis – PPD

Ellsworth 59, Plainville 24


NCAA Boys Basketball

SE of Saline 68, Republic County 50

Sacred Heart 66, Beloit 56

Minneapolis 49, Lyons 42

Plainville 46, Ellsworth 43


NCKL Girls Basketball

Halstead 54, Abilene 37

Concordia 39, Chapman 33

Silver Lake 50, Rock Creek 49

Lafayette 50, Marysville 23 – Hiawatha tournament


NCKL Boys Basketball

Abilene 68, Halstead 52

Concordia 78, Chapman 23

Rock Creek 58, Silver Lake 57


Thursday, January 30

AVCTL I Girls Wrestling

Junction City 45, Salina South 36 DUAL


AVCTL I Boys Wrestling

Junction City 43, Salina South 26 DUAL


NCAA Boys Wrestling

SE of Saline 48, Ellinwood 24 – Smoky Valley Quad

SE of Saline 39, Hesston 16 – Smoky Valley Quad

Smoky Valley 51, SE of Saline 18 – Smoky Valley Quad


NCKL Girls Wrestling

Abilene 53, Wamego 12 DUAL

Abilene 42, Chapman 26 DUAL

Clay Center 51, Marysville 5 DUAL

Rock Creek 54, Concordia 24


NCKL Boys Wrestling

Abilene 64, Wamego 18 DUAL

Clay Center 60, Marysville 23 DUAL

Concordia 75, Rock Creek 6 DUAL


AVCTL I Girls Basketball

Maize South 52, Augusta 17 – El Dorado tournament

Derby 47, Wichita South 42 – Emporia Tournament

Halstead 44, Maize 26 – Halstead Tournament

Valley Center 50, Circle 33 – Halstead tournament

Mulvane 47, Campus 31 – Mulvane Tournament

Hutchinson 45, Dodge City 27 – McPherson tournament


AVCTL II Girls Basketball

Andover 66, Salina Central 27

Gardner-Edgerton 48, Goddard 46 – El Dorado tournament

McPherson 50, Andover Central 47 – McPherson tournament

Ark City 62, Winfield 31 – Mulvane tournament

Bishop Carroll 57, Newton 30 – Newton tournament


AVCTL II Boys Basketball

Andover 68, Salina Central 47


NCAA Girls Basketball

SE of Saline 57, Minneapolis 46


NCAA Boys Basketball

SE of Saline 74, Minneapolis 31


NCKL Girls Basketball

Marysville vs. Hiawatha – Hiawatha tournament


Friday, January 31

AVCTL I Girls Wrestling

Derby (1st, 118.5) at Andover tournament


AVCTL II Girls Wrestling

Newton (1st, 159.0) at Remington tournament

Eisenhower (6th, 66.0), Andover (4th, 82.5) at Andover tournament


HOA Girls Wrestling

Bennington (7th, 53.0) at Hoisington tournament

Remington (6th, 57.5), Ell-Saline (9th, 9.0) at Remington tournament


HOA Boys Wrestling

Ell-Saline (8th, 35.0), Remington (7th, 39.5) at Remington tournament

Bennington (5th, 75.0), Marion (14th, 20.0) at Hoisington tournament


NCAA Girls Wrestling

Beloit (6th, 54.0), Minneapolis (7th, 53.0), Ellsworth (3rd, 86.0) at Hoisington tournament


NCAA Boys Wrestling

Beloit (2nd, 136.0), Minneapolis (5th, 75.0), Ellsworth (1st, 167.5) at Hoisington tournament


AVCTL I Girls Basketball

Maize South 58, Kapaun Mt. Carmel 44 – El Dorado tournament

Derby 52, Wichita Heights 46 – Emporia tournament

Circle 48, Maize 24 – Halstead tournament

Halstead 38, Valley Center 32 – Halstead tournament

Olathe South 49, Hutchinson 19 – McPherson tournament

Campus 56, Wichita North 49 – Mulvane tournament


AVCTL I Boys Basketball

Maize South 54, Hutchinson 48

Salina South 51, Campus 46


AVCTL II Girls Basketball

Goddard 47, El Dorado 32 – El Dorado tournament

Wichita SE 57, Andover Central 49 – McPherson tournament

Ark City 65, Wichita Collegiate 32 – Mulvane tournament

Wichita East 52, Newton 18 – Newton tournament


HOA Girls Basketball

Inman 54, Bennington 50

Berean Academy 39, Elyria Christian 32

Sacred Heart 51, Hutch Trinity 36

Marion 29, Council Grove 24

Remington 42, Central Christian 31

Goessel 35, Sedgwick 33


HOA Boys Basketball

Bennington 66, Inman 31

Berean Academy 50, Elyria Christian 48

Sacred Heart 60, Hutch Trinity 44

Council Grove 66, Marion 44

Remington 51, Central Christian 43

Sedgwick 50, Goessel 16


NCAA Girls Basketball

Ellsworth 49, SE of Saline 39

Hillsboro 32, Minneapolis 20

Sacred Heart 60, Hutch Trinity 44

Valley Heights 71, Republic County 27


NCAA Boys Basketball

SE of Saline 61, Ellsworth 58

Hillsboro 51, Minneapolis 36

Sacred Heart 60, Hutch Trinity 44

Republic County 62, Valley Heights 56


NCKL Girls Basketball

Abilene 40, Chapman 37

Clay Center 43, Concordia 31

Wamego 54, Rock Creek 46


NCKL Boys Basketball

Abilene 79, Chapman 43

Concordia 56, Clay Center 54

Rock Creek 57, Wamego 37


Saturday, February 1

AVCTL I Girls Wrestling

Maize (11th, 20.0), at Junction City tournament

Campus (12th, 55.0), Maize (16th, 39.0), Hutchinson (18th, 36.0), Valley Center (24th, 12.0) at Garden City tournament

Campus (17th, 3.0), Derby (14th, 17.5) at Wichita South tournament

Hutchinson (13th, 14.0) at Larned tournament


AVCTL I Boys Wrestling

Maize (9th, 70.5), Valley Center (12th, 39.0) at Junction City tournament

Maize (6th, 153.5), Valley Cener 13th, 100.5), Campus (32nd, 18.5), Hutchinson (26th, 21.5), Maize South (21st, 56.5), at Garden City tournament

Derby (5th, 100.0), Salina South (14th, 19.5) at Andover tournament


AVCTL II Girls Wrestling

Goddard (19th, 32.5) at Garden City tournament

Ark City (10th, 59.0), Salina Central (8th, 64.0) at Junction City tournament


AVCTL II Boys Wrestling

Goddard (3rd, 176.5), Newton (14th, 99.5), Salina Central (17th, 73.0) at Garden City tournament

Salina Central (6th, 105.5) at Junction City tournament

Eisenhower (8th, 44.0), Andover (2nd, 160.0) at Andover tournament


NCAA Girls Wrestling

SE of Saline (12th, 16.5) at Junction City tournament

Ellsworth (4th, 74.0) at Larned tournament

Republic County (17th, 37.0) at Garden City tournament


NCAA Boys Wrestling

Republic County (29th, 25.0), Beloit (28th, 28.0) at Garden City tournament

SE of Saline (3rd, 151.5) at Junction City tournament


NCKL Girls Wrestling

Concordia (7th, 68.5) at Junction City tournament

Rock Creek (11th, 76.0), Chapman (10th, 76.5), Clay Center (13th, 64.0), Abilene (4th, 120.5) at Washburn Rural tournament


NCKL Boys Wrestling

Wamego (11th, 75.5) at Baldwin tournament


AVCTL Girls Basketball

Topeka Seaman 63, Derby 50 – Emporia tournament

Hutchinson 54, McPherson 31 – McPherson tournament

Maize South 50, Topeka Hayden 48 – El Dorado tournament

Garden Plain 35, Maize 27 – Haven tournament

Valley Center 55, Andale 39 – Haven tournament


AVCTL II Girls Basketball

Mill Valley 44, Goddard 23 – El Dorado tournament

Andover Central 54, Dodge City 26 – McPherson tournament

Wichita Trinity 46, Newton 31 – Newton at Newton tournament


HOA Girls Basketball

Remington 57, Ell-Saline 32


HOA Boys Basketball

Ell-Saline 54, Remington 31


NCKL Girls Basketball

Marysville 50, Jackson Heights 32 – Hiawatha tournament