More Vehicle Burglaries in Saline County

The Saline County Sheriff’s Office is investigating more vehicle burglaries that occurred over the weekend.

Saline County Sheriff Roger Soldan tells KSAL News that at least six more vehicle burglaries from unlocked cars occurred in southern Saline County.

The following are the current incidents reported:

  • Sunday morning, 9700 block of S. Simpson Rd.: five COVID masks stolen from unlocked car. $25 loss. Believed to have occurred between Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
  • Sunday morning, 9700 block of S. Simpson Rd.: 1858 Uberti New Army Conversion .45 revolver stolen from unlocked car. $600 loss. Believed to have occurred between Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
  • 10:59 a.m. Sunday, 408 E. First St., Assaria: $5 worth of change is stolen from unlocked car.
  • 10:59 a.m. Sunday, 377 E. First St., Assaria: $85 in cash is stolen from an unlocked car.
  • 12:44 p.m. Sunday, 141 E. Fourth St., Assaria: Miscellaneous items including $20 worth of gold coins all stolen from unlocked car. Total loss is $60.
  • 8:29 p.m. Sunday, 365 E. First St., Assaria: fixed blade pocket knife stolen from unlocked car. Total loss is $10.

Authorities are reminding all Saline County residents to remain vigilant and lock their cars. It is unclear at this time whether or not these new vehicle burglaries are connected to previous ones from last month.