UPDATE: Two More Positive COVID-19 Cases in Saline County

The Saline County Health Department has been notified of two additional positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Saline County. The positive cases were identified through testing sent to a private lab and to the KDHE lab.

One case is a female in her 60s. The other case is a male in his 60s. These cases are not related. Both cases are not associated with known close contacts or travel to hot spot areas. Due to HIPAA, no other patient information will be released. Both individuals are under the care of medical staff at Salina Regional Health Center.

The Saline County Health Department is working to identify any close contacts of these individuals. Those that were exposed will be contacted by the Saline County Health Department as soon as possible.

ORIGINAL: Specific details and numbers are not immediately available, but authorities say they are working with some more positive cases of the COVID-19 Coronavirus in Saline County.

According to the Saline County Healh Department, the COVID-19 virus outbreak is an evolving situation everywhere.   They say they are working through additional positive COVID-19 cases in Saline County. They ask for patience as they work through the pertinent details. Information will be released as soon as it is available.

A Statewide Stay-at-Home Order remains in effect. This order outlines essential businesses and activities https://governor.kansas.gov/keff/ .

Frequently asked questions are also listed on their site https://governor.kansas.gov/keff/ .

The State of Kansas is working closely with our local entities to communicate and best determine essential business functions under the Governor’s orders.

Saline County has launched an online form for individuals to submit complaints to the Health Department regarding alleged violations to the Statewide Stay-at-Home order: www.saline.org . It has always been, and will continue to be the intention to ensure that businesses and individuals are voluntarily complying with the Statewide order.

• KDHE launched a new dashboard for COVID-19 information. Please visit their website at: https://public.tableau.com/profile/kdhe.epidemiology#!/
Stay-at-Home simply means Stay at Home. If you are not performing essential tasks, then you need to be at home. Help our community in slowing the spread of this virus. Only follow official sources to obtain information: www.saline.org/coronavirus or www.kdheks.gov