Fall Sports In Jeopardy; Masks Work

Fall sports in Kansas are likely to be impacted by COVID-19. Kansas Department of Health and Environment Secretary Dr. Lee Norman says that fall sports are not expected to be successful due to the pandemic.


Norman says even though organized sports activities have not been as widespread this summer, there still have beenĀ  63 COVID-19 cases in the state . He says the cases have been all across the board, with no sport not being impacted. With a large increase in those participating in sports beginning very soon, Norman anticipates problems.

Norman added that in lieu of a vaccine, our best line of defense against COVID-19 is wearing a mask. He said very simply, masks work.

Norman said 15 counties in the the state have an ordinance requiring face coverings. Those counties encompass 2/3 of the population of Kansas. He said the science is clear. Those counties that opted out of a mask ordinance have not helped slow the spread of COVID-19 in the state.


Several counties which opted out of a statewide mask mandate have since reinstated it following local outbreaks.