Grant Application Process Open

The Greater Salina Community Foundation is now accepting grant applications for its August grant cycle. Online applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on August 15, 2020.

This cycle, $89,000 is available for charitable projects in Saline County that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Projects that improve the quality of life for Saline County residents.
  • Projects or programs that support and encourage healthy living across Saline County.
  • Projects that improve quality of life for citizens of Assaria, Kansas.
  • Organizations or programs in Saline or Ottawa Counties whose work furthers the care, education, development, health, safety and human service needs of children ages 0-6 to better prepare them for kindergarten.
  • Projects that promote hands-on learning opportunities for school-age youth in the areas of arts, humanities, science, technology and invention.

Funding for the August community grant cycle is provided by the Assaria Community Fund, the Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education and Development, the Kansas Health Foundation Fund for GSCF, the L.P. “Pat” Mullen Fund and the Fund for Greater Salina.

Grants are limited to communities in Saline County and will be awarded through a competitive application process. Requests for funding up to $5,000 will be considered. Nonprofit organizations, government and public entities, educational institutions and churches are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. on August 15. Funding guidelines and the grant application are available at

For more information, contact Brandee Mayginnes, director of grants and scholarships, at 785-823-1800.