A new mobile healthcare unit has set up shop in Salina, but this vehicle won’t just be taking up residence in town. It’ll travel the state offering quality health services to thousands.
On Thursday afternoon, Salina Family Healthcare Center unveiled its new “Care-A-Van” to the public.
The Salina Family Health Care-A-Van will be used for mobile COVID-19 testing, as a COVID-19 care area seperate from non-COVID positive patients; an immunization center and a dental outreach vehicle.
The vehicle will not just travel around the city of Salina and Saline County, but to many counties in central and north Kansas–as far away as the Smith Center/Kensington communities.
Salina Family Healthcare Center was able to pick out the name of the new vehicle, thanks to help from the community. Staff at the healthcare facility chose five creative names and put up a two day poll on its website where the public got to pick the name. Over 200 people cast their vote and the winning option is “Salina Family Health Care-A-Van.”
The new mobile unit was purchased with grants from SPARK funds from Saline County Coronavirus Relief Funding (80% of the funds), Health Resources & Services Administration (11%), and United Healthcare (9%).
- Ribbon cutting ceremony with the Chamber of Commerce
- Two dental exam areas, a COVID testing area in the back.
- COVID testing area
- COVID testing area
- Dental testing area
- Dental testing area
- Dental testing area