A Celebrity’s Self Criticism

As a 2013 contestant on Dancing with The Stars, Jack Osbourne launched a saddening litany of self-criticism where he said, “I got the worst genes in my family, check this out: (bleeping) fat, heart problem, MS (multiple sclerosis), can’t (bleeping) sing, can’t act…I’m doomed!”

Yet, his pro partner, Cheryl Burke (da bomb!) called him a “great dancer”. Jack and Cheryl go on to dance to the song “Mad World” with the haunting lyrics that eerily mirror Jack’s sense of self~

…going no where…going no where…their tears are filling up their glasses…no expression…hide my head I want to drown my sorrow…I find it hard to take…it’s a very, very mad world…children waiting for the day they feel good…went to school and I was very nervous…no one knew me…look right through me…I find it kinda sad…the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I ever had…

To Jack I wrote~

Yes, Jack, it’s a very, very Mad World but you do not stand alone, as evidenced by the over 125 million views for the “Mad World – Gary Jules” YouTube video.

Might the pairing of your self-critical words and dancing to this song be prophetic? You spoke from you heart, shared your vulnerability, and now have the opportunity to let all of us watch you move beyond self-doubt. You have been given a profound opportunity that carries with it a great responsibility.

Show us how to rise above! Embrace what judge Carrie Ann said to you, “You have this incredible nobility and cultivated presence…it’s beautiful.”

Listen to your own words where you said, “You start at the ground level, work your way up”.

Work your way up Jack. Show us the way. So to you I say, dance on noble Jack…dance on…

When your self-criticism keeps you from living out your dreams, listen to Jack~ Start at the ground level and work your way up!

LISTEN to “The Joan Jerkovich Show,” this Saturday from 6-7am; or Sunday from 9-10pm. Podcast posts to KSAL.com Mondays. LISTEN to 1150 KSAL as “Your Life Coach” brings you “Empowering Talk Radio!”

THIS WEEKEND: Joan’s 7 Steps To Realize Your Dream. Hard Work Required To Achieve Your Dream. Does Fear Keep You From Your Dream. One Thing Will Drive You Toward Your Dream.

Embrace your Personal Power with Life Coaching~

  • What opportunities to make a profound difference has life handed you?
  • Where will you find the courage to take the first steps in meeting the challenge of that opportunity?
  • What can you teach others as you rise above your challenges?
