Students Alerted About Alleged Sex Assault

A report of an alleged sexual assault prompts a safety warning to students at Fort Hays State University.

Specific details of the alleged assault were not disclosed, nor was a location.
Both university and city police have stepped-up patrols around both Hays and the FHSU campus.

A message to students and parents was sent via the school’s BlackBoard email network.


From: TAMason
Sent: Fri, Aug 22, 2014 5:10 pm
Subject: Safety Advisory

Dear Parents,

I wanted to alert you to this safety advisory (shown below). Although we do not believe this incident occurred on campus – we do not have all the information or know the location.

We are taking this very seriously. We are working with both University and City police who have stepped-up patrol around both Hays and the campus. Additionally all on-campus residential students have received a flier under their door. Hall meetings are occurring and counselors are available. We would rather over-react than under-react.

We are most concerned that this is a weekend. Anything you can do to remind your sons and daughters of safety protocols is appreciated.


Tisa Mason, Ed.D., CAE
Vice President for Student Affairs


From: Kent Steward/FHSU
To: Allusers,
Date: 08/22/2014 04:26 PM
Subject: Safety Advisory

There has been a report of an alleged sexual assault. At this time it is unclear of the incident location.
We are a campus community and if you notice any of the following behaviors occurring on or off campus, please assist your friend and ask someone you trust for help.
· Isolation from friends;
· Pressure from someone to go to an unknown location;
· Pressure from someone to drink more;
· Pressure from someone to stay out longer than they want to or their friends want to;
· Watchfulness for people slipping things into drinks;
· Anything that seems out of the ordinary to you.
If you are a victim or friend of a victim of sexual misconduct, please tell someone. Our goal is to ensure you have the resources you need to be successful and help you through a difficult time.
Hays Police: 911
Kelly Center*: Free on-campus counseling for students. Located in the bottom floor of Picken Hall. Phone: 785- 628-4401. After Hours: 785-259-6077.
Options*: A local, free community advocacy group that provides many services to survivors of gender-based violence. Options has an on-campus advocate located in the Student Health Center in the Memorial Union. Phone: 1-800-794-4624
Hays Med (Local Hospital) Sexual Assault Response Team*: Trained Sexual Assault Nurses provide survivor-centered care. Evidence from exams can be kept for up to 5 years and survivors have the choice to report or not.
University Police Department: Located in the lower level of Custer Hall. Day phone: 785-628-5304. After Hours: 911.
*Confidential Reporting