Overcrowding remains a concern at the Saline County Jail.
The jail, which has 172 male beds and 20 female beds, is routinely at or over capacity. On Monday, it was 26 males and 22 females over capacity.
While more space is needed, taxpayers are reluctant to support expansion of the facility. A jail expansion plan was defeated in the last local election.
A jail advisory task forceĀ will soon begin meetings to discuss the issue.
Saline County Commission Chairman Monte Shadwick, appearing Monday morning on KSAL’s Morning News, said that obviously they need to look at ways to reduce the jail population. Perhaps a good start would be to look at why some of the inmates are being booked into the jail.
Shadwick said that he thinks a jail should be primarily be for people who have committed a violent crime, and who are a danger to society. “I’m not saying that people who commit non-violent misdemeanor crimes shouldn’t be punished, but we are picking the most expensive way to do it,” he said.
Saline County Commissioner Dave Smith will head the task force.